Tržite nekretnine na međunarodnom tržištu pomoću brokerskog softvera onOffice za agente za nekretnine
Tržite nekretnine na međunarodnom tržištu pomoću brokerskog softvera onOffice za agente za nekretnine

Multilingual Skills for Real Estate Agents in a Global Market

Let’s go international! Expanding to a new location or working with multilingual staff? Make your real estate business truly global with our multilingual solutions.

Marketing nekretnina na međunarodnoj razini za agente za nekretnine

Become an International Real Estate Agent!

Ciao, Hola & Bonjour – ready for a new chapter? With our “Multilingual” feature, language is no longer a barrier. Become an international agent! Market your properties abroad, work with international teams, and reach new audiences. Thanks to automatic language versions in the software, you can address every customer appropriately. What’s “property” in Spanish? Just ask the dictionary.


Advantages of Multilingual Capability

Looking beyond borders pays off: International marketing ensures competitiveness and contributes to long-term success.

  • Multilingual Management Made Easy

    International marketing is simple: Enter all details and free text for your property in multiple languages. With one click, transfer your property to over 50 foreign-language portals.

  • Foreign-Speaking Customers

    With multilingual email templates, you always strike the right tone: The system automatically selects the correct language for the recipient. For us, languages are door openers, not barriers.

  • International Team

    Do you have foreign-speaking employees? Each user can customize their software interface – whether in English, Spanish, or Italian. This way, everyone works quickly and effectively.

  • Multilingual Websites

    Your website adapts: With the multilingual export feature, you can transfer all language versions of the property to your website with just one click. Your online presence becomes multilingual too!

Which Versions Does It Come With?

The multilingual feature of onOffice enterprise is available in the following versions:

  • onOffice enterprise expert

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Nasmiješeni čovjek s prijenosnim računalom i mobitelom informira se o besplatnoj probnoj verziji onOffice.
Nasmiješeni čovjek s prijenosnim računalom i mobitelom informira se o besplatnoj probnoj verziji onOffice.


We answer common questions about onOffice’s multilingual capability.

Yes, and the process is simple: Enter all details and free text once and translate them with DeepL’s automatic translation function. Transfer the property to over 50 foreign-language portals – with minimal effort.

Multilingual capability can also be integrated into your onOffice website. Simply activate the multilingual export feature, and all language versions will be transferred automatically. Now just publish the property, and all language versions will be updated simultaneously.

You can currently use onOffice enterprise in over 30 languages, such as English, Spanish, or French.

The multilingual feature is already included in onOffice enterprise expert. However, you can also book the feature with the expansion package or individually as an add-on module.

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Smiling woman in front of laptop discovers the diverse functions of onOffice enterprise.
Smiling woman in front of laptop discovers the diverse functions of onOffice enterprise.

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